Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All about Sophie

Well we have entered potty training mode so here is a post of all the different poops from sophs potty,.. JK, But here are some pics of her just because I love her, and for my family :)

 here is where she goes when we tell her its bed time, our bed
 Karate kick!!!!
 Classic mohawk in the bathtub picture
 here is where she ends up after we put her in her real "transition" bed
 Playing dress-up in mommies underwear drawer,.. again
 1/2 meter long hotdog from springfest

 wheres sophie?
 There she is!!! she will play this alllllll dayyyyy
 heres the other place she likes to end up after we put her in her bed
 she loves to wear gloves as socks
 and play with my mascara

Thursday, May 19, 2011

When friends come to visit

We had some friends from america come out and visit us for a little bit, and while they were here we did a marathon site seeing tour. We really enjoyed there visit and we hope that they can come back soon! Thanks again Patrick and Whit for coming out to see us, also can you please send Alden back out so that Sophie will eat her food? even though he is terrified of her? sorry about that,... Anyways here are a million pictures from there time out here, oddly enough I dont think that I have one of all of us together,.. 

WARNING! I posted way too many pictures sorry If you get bored,.... 
and as I was going thru them they are out of order so sorry,...

First stop Munich Zoo 

                                                 Proof that I have a escape artist crazy child


                                                       Attack of the crazy goats

                            You cant see it too well but the water is a beautiful teal color                                             

                                             Entertaining Sophie while at the BMW museum

                                             Painted by Picasso

                                             Listening to the different sounds of engines

                                                 worlds fastest pick-up truck

                                                       more neuschwanstein

                                                   Fried Quark

                                                            Best picture ever!!!!

                                 Oh man this was a super smelly ride,.. right Johannes?

                                                     Everytime,... she has to be naked
                     cant visit Salzburg without going to a redbulls game,.. which we dominated 4:0
                                              Music festival in Salzburg

                                                  I cant get enough of this city

                                                    two little troopers

                                                      love these two
                             Probably the most creepy thing I have walked by

                                            Part of the English gardens in Munich

              wow these are really out of order but this is more Neuschwanstein